Homeschool Group Insurance Policy Info

The Program
NCG provides insurance protection for homeschool students including field trips, gym classes, co-ops, and organization conferences. Home School Insurance Solutions is endorsed by Home School Legal Defense Association, a nationally recognized advocacy group for the homeschool community. NCG Insurance Agency offers insurance solutions for both members and non-members of HSLDA.
Our Group Accident Medical and General Liability Insurance program is designed to protect your legal organization and the participants of your Community. If you are a new customer, select “Create An Account” below; otherwise, to renew your existing insurance, select “Log-In” below and follow the instructions. Be sure to review the “Before You Apply” and “Program Highlights” links for more information.
Our Group Accident Medical and General Liability Insurance program now offers a separate policy available to Community Directors, Area Reps and Support Reps who are holding a Day Camp in conjunction with a Practicum. Simply download the application, complete and return to NOTE: If you plan to host more than one Day Camp, we recommend listing multiple events under the same application to avoid the minimum premium charge.
NCG INSURANCE is also pleased to offer affordable insurance options for the following Classical Conversations positions:
- Professional Tutors
- Area Reps
- Support Reps
- Product Specialists
How to Purchase
New Homeschool Groups
If you are new to our application process you will need to create an account in our online portal. Once you have created your account, follow the prompts to select your group type and the types of coverage you need. When you are finished, simply pay online and print your certificate of insurance.
Returning Leaders + Existing Homeschool Group
If you already have an account, log-in below.
New Leaders + Existing Insured Homeschol Groups
If you are the new leader of a homeschool group currently insured with us, welcome! If you have not notified us of your change in leadership, please email us at so we may update our records.
Once updated, a custom user ID will be created for you and emailed from our portal 30-60 days prior to your policy renewal. The email will come from, so please add to your address book to ensure it doesn’t go to your junk/SPAM folder.
CC Area Reps and CC Support Reps
For Classical Conversations Area Reps and Support Reps seeking insurance for their operations. To ensure you select the appropriate program, simply type the word “coach” in the first box and select “Coaching Service.”
Follow the below link to complete a short application. Once you select “Submit” we will develop a premium quotation and forward to you.
If your organization desires higher liability limits, we offer an optional liability umbrella designed specifically for your group. Send us an email and we can provide you with coverage options.
Affordable protection for those providing tutoring on a professional basis.
Product Specialists
For Product Specialists seeking insurance for their operations. To ensure you select the appropriate program, simply type the word “book” in the first box and select “Book/Magazine Distributors.
Our Group Accident Medical and General Liability Insurance program now offers a separate policy available to Community Directors, Area Reps and Support Reps who are holding a Day Camp in conjunction with a Practicum. Simply download the application, complete and return to
Apply today so you can get back to enriching our future generations.
Our online registration portal is simple to use, explains the coverages that we offer and will allow you to purchase immediately.
Need more info?
Contact us and we would be happy to send you more information and answer any questions.
Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) and Classical Conversations do not assume any of the insurance risk provided by the Accident Medical and General Liability Carrier. HSLDA and Classical Conversations are not involved in the administration of these plans including premium collection or adjudication of claims.